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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

I May Live In SPAIN But My Story Began In NETHERLANDS Shirt

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If you feel it is not enough (it isn't) then organize yourself with other people and fight against oppression and discrimination against your group and also against all discrimination and oppression. Back the fight against any discrimination, because even if you think they are not fighting for you, their proposals and actions will benefit you too. Buy it:  I May Live In SPAIN But My Story Began In NETHERLANDS Shirt

I may live in SPAIN but my story began in AUSTRIA shirt

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That means that we should fight against all forms of oppression and discrimination. Many of the activist group understand that and even if they fight mainly for a group, they fight against discrimination in general and also, many of the proposals that would reduce discrimination for a marginalized group, would do for all the others. Buy it:  I may live in SPAIN but my story began in AUSTRIA shirt

I May Live In NEW YORK But My Story Began In POLAND Shirt

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I’m not sure what it’s like where you are, but here in the Great White North, there is a lot of solidarity between the Black and Indigenous rights movements. Black Lives Matter and Idle No More have collaborated before and their messaging often includes each other’s concerns. Often both groups work together with Pride movements as well. Not to say that there aren’t problems - but generally, there is a good deal of solidarity among these oppressed classes against their common enemy, usually police brutality and government indifference to their suffering Buy it:  I May Live In NEW YORK But My Story Began In POLAND Shirt

I May Live In NEW JERSEY But My Story Began In POLAND Shirt

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The goal is less of a "get there and we win" and more of a "this is wrong to do, and we must watch for this behavior and prevent it". People who say differently have missed the point. It's about the injustice of our society and fixing it for everyone. BLM is showing us the most obvious case in a "burst pipe erupting like a volcano" kind of way. It may have been started by black people, about black people, but it's for everyone, and so I would say that you should join your concerns under its umbrella, and if anyone says you can't, correct them, whoever they are. Because it's not an exclusionary issue, it's a human one. Buy it:  I May Live In NEW JERSEY But My Story Began In POLAND Shirt

I May Live In NETHERLANDS But My Story Began In BELGIUM Shirt

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But it's not a queue for social issues. Tribal peoples as well as other races, as well as anyone who feels the same as the BLM members can fight alongside BLM. The name is largely due to its origin and the community that started it. In reality BLM is not just a race issue, but a societal one. People are being treated differently because of brutality and discrimination. Buy it:  I May Live In NETHERLANDS But My Story Began In BELGIUM Shirt

I May Live In ITALY But My Story Began In BELGIUM Shirt

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I would say that the short answer is that BLM is just one of the most visible movements bringing attention to the issues that make it hard for everyone. In this particular case they are predominantly focused on police brutality as well as systemic racism. BLM arose out of the frustration that black people were feeling being persecuted in their own communities let alone outside them, and exploded with the rise of videos showing explicit murder against black people by the police. Buy it:  I May Live In ITALY But My Story Began In BELGIUM Shirt

Top Covid Sonographer Because Superhero Isn'T An Official Job Title Shirt

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My main concern is, when do black lives matter? As in what will it take for them to? Will we see the day and when we do will we move to other races? Because I know each race has had its set of issues. Hell its common in America to make fun of other states. Trust me...im from Arkansas I hear it anytime I use a mic. But up until I believe it was 53 or 57 here you could kill a native american and it was the same as killing an animal. Thats almost 400 years after Europeans first came to Arkansas. The 20 dollar bill has the face of the man who lead the trail of tears forcing them to leave their homeland in an attempt to destroy their heritage. I only bring this up because I am 25% native, my grandpa left the reservation to start a family and I rarely see them even mentioned in comparison to others. Buy it:  Top Covid Sonographer Because Superhero Isn'T An Official Job Title Shirt

Science Because Figuring Things Out Is Better Than Making Stuff Up Shirt

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Happened to me as a kid but I probably deserved it. I was at a Lutheran school in like 5th grade. Wore an Antichrist superstar shirt to school. Made it about 5 minutes til I was in the office being expelled. But, that was my goal I wanted to go-to a regular school I didn't like all the religious stuff. It worked I suppose. Buy it:  Science Because Figuring Things Out Is Better Than Making Stuff Up Shirt

Pretty Eat Sleep Pray Lift Repeat Shirt

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I had a black t shirt with really tiny writing that said "Nosey little shit, aren't you." I wore it to high school one day, and a teacher came up to me in the hallways, stood in front of me and made a big display of stooping down to read it. She chuckled, stood up, looked around and noticed no one was paying attention, and then just walked away. Buy it:  Pretty Eat Sleep Pray Lift Repeat Shirt

Pretty Covid Dietary Staff Because Superhero Isn'T An Official Job Title Shirt

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I don’t why this pisses me off so much that this has this many upvotes, and is the top comment. I’ll just say that if anyone who upvoted this contracts the virus you should refuse treatment from any doctor or nurse with kids. And for that matter you shouldn’t get food from any grocery worker or delivery driver who has kids. Buy it:  Pretty Covid Dietary Staff Because Superhero Isn'T An Official Job Title Shirt

Official Vegan Power Vintage Retro Shirt

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Actually we shut down alot! We managed to keep cases relatively low until they started reopening stuff!after they reopened the crater of diamonds state park we saw a huge increase in tourists from all over, which is lead to our first real increase in cases. Yep. We closed restaurants and gyms and such for a while, but now everything is opening back up. Also we have no orders about masks and are one of the nations premier producers of “fat angry man with Gadsden flag”. So things are going wonderfully. Buy it:  Official Vegan Power Vintage Retro Shirt

Official Seven Six Two Shirt

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You might think: "Good! We need universal childcare!" and you wouldn't be wrong. With that said, it is a lot harder to get there all at one time. The Republicans and Democrats both know how the system works. If you give an inch, you're giving unlimited mileage. The program's scale won't be for essential workers for 6 months. You're establishing a new $100+ billion dollar social program. They will NEVER support it for exactly that reason. The same goes for rental assistance in the form of rent cancellation or other things. Buy it:  Official Seven Six Two Shirt

Official Rules When I First Wake Up Everyone Shut The Hell Up Get Out Of My Way Don'T Ask Me Any Damn Questions Shirt

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America is a country of extremes. We don't just have the Freedom of Speech. We have free speech so strong you can say virtually anything. We have gun rights so strong people have the right to buy assault weapons. Those extremes come at a cost though. If we extend the right to childcare to essential workers, that means everyone gets it and likely gets it regardless of employment. A Court could rule that simply seeking training for a future attempt at a job is enough to qualify someone for the program. Buy it:  Official Rules When I First Wake Up Everyone Shut The Hell Up Get Out Of My Way Don'T Ask Me Any Damn Questions Shirt

Official Love American Bully Shirt

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Welcome to a lot of fucking subreddits. Also if you complain about it people doing things that are literally against subs rules (maybe not this one, just not something "fitting" really) and not getting their posts yeeted because it alligns with the mods' and admins' political views, congratulations! You are a dedicated supporter of the Lord Emperor Bhlumdf cult. Buy it:  Official Love American Bully Shirt

Official Dog Paw Halloween Shirt

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Facts, like this sub used to be pictures of cool shit that you never get the chance to see. If I wanted to look at an old lady wearing a t shirt I would look through my grandmas Facebook feed. She usually posts a lot of selfies of herself and her friends. Lots of Strange content on her facebook but it makes for a good laugh though. Also her chiropractor or whatever that doctor is is super hot so whenever she has a pic with her I make sure to give it a like. Buy it:  Official Dog Paw Halloween Shirt

Official Dog Paw Halloween Shirt

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T-shirts are a weird business... relatively low start up cost (for a business), super duper low production cost (like 3-5usd a shirt), and very high mark-up... So its an extremely competitive and saturated market... but its really hard to come up with ideas that people want... So ideas that people like get stolen the moment people seem interested. Buy it:  Official Dog Paw Halloween Shirt https://moteefe.com/store/official-dog-paw-halloeen-shirt

Official Adoption Social Worker Shirt

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I agree with you here. If he's being a role model for what should happen in those situations, we can't always go around and insult people's looks when they do things we don't like, even if it's creepy or bad behavior. Because this takes the focus off of what they are doing and makes it about something else, their looks. The real problem won't get solved and there is potential for others to blame the person speaking about looks, so the offending behavior of the original person is forgotten. Buy it : Official Adoption Social Worker Shirt

Official Adoption Counselor shirt

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I’m exactly the same way. It’s much easier to stand up for someone else and confront on their behalf but not for myself. And when I have had to stand up for myself it’s always gone badly unless someone else has stepped in. And the thing is, we actively encourage young people to stand up for one another and support each other ESPECIALLY about sexual harassment or harassment of any kind. And yes there absolutely is a better way to do it but it doesn’t really work when you’re dealing with assholes cat calling... Buy it : Official Adoption Counselor shirt

Official Actor Contents may vary in color Warning Sarcasm inside 100% Organic shirt

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I have to agree. I don’t think anyone really “knows how to handle” it. And most of the time it results on serious insults and yelling. A polite- “please stop sexualizing me, it makes me uncomfortable and it’s disgusting” doesn’t not illicit a polite sorry and stopping. It results in more crude comments and laughing and insults. Honestly if I were op or even his son (I’m a young woman) I wouldn’t have even been that nice because shutting people down who are sexualize barely adults or anyone is already hard outside of a full blown ranting lecture at them... Buy it : Official Actor Contents may vary in color Warning Sarcasm inside 100% Organic shirt

Official Activities Coordinator shirt

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I'm going to go with NTA. It would probably have been better to say sternly "Kathy, that's enough. Stop it or leave my house" and leaving her appearance out of it. However, your comments were in the context of her sexually harrassing your barely legal child who is less than half her age, and I'm having a hard time sustaining any outrage because you were a little snarky slapping down her exploitive and inappropriate behavior. Your wife is wrong. It is not better because she is a woman and your son is a man. Sexual harrassment and preying on the fact that younger people often don't have experience shutting down inappropriate advances, particularly from someone connected to their parents or in some authority or authority-adjacent position, is always wrong. The gender of the perpetrator and victim are irrelevent, and if she has a tendency to behave in a sexually inappropriate and aggressive manner when drinking then she should never drink. Buy it : Official Activi...

Official A Scot Is A Scot Even Unto A Hundred Generations Shirt

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Listen, imagine if a guy around 45ish said to your daughter to dress into a bikini. You would not just insult their looks and age but also would beat them up and call the police. Since she was a woman, he didnt want to hit her cause that is not right morally. So he opted to the next best thing. All things being equal, he'd be more in the clear without the ugly and old comments. But as the ancient philosopher Will Smith once said: Don't start nun, won't be nun. If she wasn't perving out on his kid she wouldn't have gotten insulted. Buy it : Official A Scot Is A Scot Even Unto A Hundred Generations Shirt

Official 1St Line Support shirt

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She wasn't "suggestive". It was harassment of a teenager. Would you say the same if the teenager was a young woman? Woukd you say a man who pressures a teenager to take off her top is being "suggestive"? Or would you call it aggressive & sexual harassment? Shameful behaviour deserves to be shamed,. It downplayed. If this was a man telling a young girl to take off her shirt/blouse, I'm 100% sure that the father of this girl wouldn't just tell the dude that he's being inaproppiate and just ask him to leave. I'm sure it would be way messier than that. And still, that man wouldn't be the AH. Anyone harrasing anybody's child in a sexual manner deserves no politeness whatsoever. Buy it : Official 1St Line Support shirt

Nice I Don'T Live In Germany But Germany Will Always Live Map Shirt

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And I don’t even have a problem with him calling her old and ugly. My problem is the fact that he didn’t specifically address that the problem is the behaviour. He could have called her old and ugly and told her she was harassing him and that would have been better. Now she’s not leaving this interaction thinking it’s wrong to prey on young guys, she’s leaving it thinking “my friends husband is such an asshole” Buy it : Nice I Don'T Live In Germany But Germany Will Always Live Map Shirt

Nice Gardening If I Die Water My Plants Halloween Shirt

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 Personally I think shaming her over her age was perfectly valid for this exact reason. She needing shaming over it because it was part of the reason it was so problematic. There's a power imbalance that comes with age, if it had been mom's co-worker who was of similar age to him he'd have probably felt more comfortable saying no himself. Buy it : Nice Gardening If I Die Water My Plants Halloween Shirt

Nice Covid CNA Because Superhero Isnt An Official Job Title Shirt

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Totally valid point, however I think the point was that she clearly wasn't listening to the son or acknowledging him being visibly upset. I think OP saw this and their intent was to finally shut her up and shut her up quickly, since what the son had to say didn't matter-and it did work. Flipping the genders again, if a 40 year old man were creeping on a 19 year old woman, would anybody here raise an eyebrow if he was called a fat and creepy old man? It would just be a complete non issue. Why do you feel the need to defend this woman? Buy it : Nice Covid CNA Because Superhero Isnt An Official Job Title Shirt

Funny Education Is Important But Scuba Diving Is Importanter Shirt

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I have. I have three daughters. To my mind, one of the harshest things you can do is to call out the behavior directly. Again, labelling her behavior as sexual harassment, which is what it was, is far better than telling her to go do it to somebody her own age and 'league.' My guess is OP wanted to hit her where it would hurt to get the behavior to stop, not argue with her after about if she thought she was sexually harassing the son which might have been how it ended up. Buy it : Funny Education Is Important But Scuba Diving Is Importanter Shirt  

Covid Hotel Workers Because Superhero Isnt An Official Job Title Shirt

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I’m not sure it would have. The wife said “It’s different.” If the husband had said something like that, I think both Cathy and the wife would have blown it off, and the son might have felt both more uncomfortable and realized his mom isn’t looking out for him. If she was 19 years old, my son can handle it on his own. The reason why I intervened was because she is much older than my son is seen as an authority figure and is close friends with his mother and in a situation in front of the family. That is why I interevened. Buy it : Covid Hotel Workers Because Superhero Isnt An Official Job Title Shirt

Bigfoot Fight For The Things You Believe In Shirt

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Not the person you replied to, but saying what OP said would not even cross my mind because Kathy being old and ugly isn’t the problem, but her behavior was. My phrasing would have been along the lines of stop hitting on my kid, it’s creepy and inappropriate. OP saying what he said implies that if Kathy had been old and hot the behavior would have been okay, which is not the case. Buy it : Bigfoot Fight For The Things You Believe In Shirt

Awesome She Wants The D Deer Shirt

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That’s definitely fair (hence my last sentence about understanding why OP said what he said on a more human level). Obviously, what’s done is done. If it were me, I think it’s worth it for OP to talk with his son about maybe clarifying what he said and why what Kathy did was wrong regardless of age (though that adds an extra ick factor because of the power imbalance) or attractiveness, as he should use it as an opportunity to help his son deal with a similar situation, regardless of who the victim is. Buy it : Awesome She Wants The D Deer Shirt

Awesome Scuba Diving Dive Life Shirt

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I 100% agree with this. I think it's a light ESH, because Kathy is 100% a creep and her behavior was unacceptable. I think OP is justified in wanting her to leave and sincerely apologize, but I think that his wording doesn't really accomplish addressing what I feel is most wrong about the situation (that a person was harassing and pressuring someone else in a sexual manner, regardless of age, looks, gender, etc). Buy it :  Awesome Scuba Diving Dive Life Shirt

Awesome Hockey Respect The Crease Shirt

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 But by saying that the behavior is unwelcome because of her age and perceived attractiveness, her behavior isn't being described as perverted, but instead as simply out-of-her-league. It's explicitly saying that if she were younger and hotter, it would be fine. It's explicitly saying that either the son is only uncomfortable because she's not hot enough, or that the son's discomfort wouldn't matter if she were hotter. south-park-niiiiiice.jpg and all that. Buy it :  Awesome Hockey Respect The Crease Shirt

You Call Them Swear Words I Call Them Sentence Enhancers Shirt

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I mean… you heard her mom just died… and her whole family is there at that hotel… Surely you can excuse this sad old racist, she didn’t mean it… Notice how the daughter was completely unfazed when he told her what her mom said, but outraged that that meant her mom was gonna have to spend the You Call Them Swear Words I Call Them Sentence Enhancers Shirt night elsewhere. Good on that dude for remaining calm, but firm. He did the right thing and didn’t let emotion get to him at the moment. This is purely anecdotal, but I’ve often found that men who are willing to speak that way to women who are total strangers are often worse at home. Former Security Manager for a You Call Them Swear Words I Call Them Sentence Enhancers Shirt large hotel/resort here. Had a guest tell three of the entertainment employees (who were all 19/20-year-old girls) “no one wants to see you fat black cows up there dancing” after a performance designed for kids. This guy stayed so professional, at this point I’d hav...

Yes I’m A Member Of The CSI Team Can’t Stand Idiots Shirt

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I took a sem of German at uni. German and English are very similar actually! The part that tripped me up was the Yes I’m A Member Of The CSI Team Can’t Stand Idiots Shirt grammar I believe. Whatever line, Kleine, and all that mess was. We had a chart and there were like 16 different rules for 4 words that sounded fairly similar. Loved it up until that point. Sadly I Not just comedians. Basically anyone wealthy. To them, “the economy” = “my stock portfolio performance”. They have been calling for opening up from the very beginning of the pandemic. They are only worried about themselves and others like them who have a large amount their wealth tied up in stocks. Not just Amsterdam. Even our “idiots” in the south have people crawling over each other in cities like Maastricht, made even worse by all the Yes I’m A Member Of The CSI Team Can’t Stand Idiots Shirt Belgians and Germans coming here on Sundays. Meanwhile, we get comedians pretending to be virologists, and people happily agree bec...

Top The Peanuts Characters Queen Shirt

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My dog (Golden Retriever/Newfoundland/Border Collie Cross 50kg)  used to counter surf  when there was food on the counters. If you turned your back for a second, he’d have whatever was there. He once ate an entire chocolate birthday cake that my wife had just baked. The whole thing. Not even a  Top The Peanuts Characters Queen Shirt  crumb left. When I was in high school, our black lab got into my room and ate one of those giant Hershey kisses I had recently gotten for Christmas. Just looked it up and they are 7 oz of (very milky) chocolate. I was afraid she was going to die, but it didn’t even phase her. She was maybe ~80 lbs. More likely what you think is chocolate actually is not chocolate. I hate gatekeeping and would be the last to do it and eat and enjoy plenty of Top The Peanuts Characters Queen Shirt chocolate-flavored candy, but the vast majority of what we call chocolate is fake. Get some 85 or 90 percent dark (most of which is still also fake and not choco...

People Say I Act Like I’m Crazy I Tell Them I’m Not Acting Shirt

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A few years ago my mum would constantly volunteer me to go to a man and his daughter’s house to help set anything electrical up because they’re very dim and don’t understand much. I refused quite a lot, especially after the daughter (now 15) told her neighbor her stepmother abused her and her real mother buried her sibling, who apparently died at childbirth, in the garden. Neither of People Say I Act Like I’m Crazy I Tell Them I’m Not Acting Shirt these happened. Mum finally stopped when the kid accused me of punching her in the face. I’m asthmatic and the number of People Say I Act Like I’m Crazy I Tell Them I’m Not Acting Shirt times people do this in the dingy, stuffy school bathrooms is infuriating!! I’ve had to bust out my inhaler a few times in front of chicks and they’ve all instantly put their sprays away and hurried out. Pisses me off cause in Aussie summers it’s even worse. Imagine being able to breathe for free!!  I literally saw one of them start and was luckily able to...

Cat Bad Cattitude No 86452 Vintage Shirt

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My Uncle in Tennessee used to have a Cat Bad Cattitude No 86452 Vintage Shirt guard turkey that hung out in the mulberry bush by the gate. If that bird didn’t know you, you did not go through that gate in one piece. All 6 dogs on the farm had only one eye from trying out that thing. The claws on those turkeys, right outa Jurassic park. I’m an exterminator and have run into turkeys out in rural areas. They waste no time hesitating to sneak behind you and charge at you. They jump up and slice at you with their talons. I have to football punt turkeys off of me at least once a month lmao. Fire Chicken is a perfect name for them. We have owls around periodically. A Cat Bad Cattitude No 86452 Vintage Shirt a few years back, we heard three Great Horned triangulating nearby“who-who-who.” The next morning we found a possum with his head missing and his spine protruding from the, uh, gap. Owls are damn metal and really superb. We heard a loud thump on our roof one evening. Went out to investigat...

But I Don’t Want To Go Outside Shirt

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It’s incredible, really. The Devs have made it easy for their personal networks to get a better-than-free trial. I’m not just talking about free cosmetics, I mean straight up Pay-to-Win advantage. It’s so bad nearly all of the free-trial benefits have been absorbed by players fortunate enough to know a But I Don’t Want To Go Outside Shirt Dev. Not to that service. They automatically bill your family for the forever funeral package though. Every time you miss a payment, the system sends you a current picture from their trademark coffin camera. Sometimes it screws up and sends you a picture from your webcam though. Still “working out the kinks”. And then there was even more anarchy until Napoleon, at which point it was on to endless wars which drained France of But I Don’t Want To Go Outside Shirt manpower so badly it resulted in a decrease of 1ft in the height of the average French person as compared to before he took power! But its remembered fondly because it was still better than the...

Black Cat That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

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The sad side-effect of that advice is the many cats that won’t get any mental stimulation or possibilities for exercise despite the good intentions of their owners. Depression and poor physical form are a Black Cat That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt very real issue for many cats( and other pets btw) because they have no chance of being the animal they are and instead are treated as teddy bears with a pulse. In the attempt to protect the cat from harm by denying it outside access, the result is a miserable animal that is forced to a life it simply isn’t evolved to live. I don’t even think she really believes all that crap. It’s pretty obvious from the beginning that. I knew a Black Cat That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt guy who was all into PETA, he actually told me once he didn’t care about wildlife, just farm animals. I found out when we were arguing about the environment and he was all for its destr...

Black Cat Don’t Piss Me Off And You’ll Live Happily Ever After Shirt

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I would also like to preempt this post by saying, as many users pointed out, that my GFs extreme views on domestic cats are not representative of the vegan/vegetarian community as a whole. I do think that, sometimes, new vegans can be a little overzealous. In reality, most of us are just doing the Black Cat Don’t Piss Me Off And You’ll Live Happily Ever After Shirt best that we can to not hurt animals! I did not expect to generate a big debate in the comments. So, we broke up, obviously. I would never, ever give up my cat Mittens. Frankly, I’m still pretty overwhelmed with the magnitude of the response. I did my best to read most everyone’s comments but obviously I couldn’t get to everything! Many users said that this situation was about control, not veganism, and looking back, I do see a pattern of Black Cat Don’t Piss Me Off And You’ll Live Happily Ever After Shirt control on my GFs part. I was blind to it I guess.  She then asked if we were breaking up, I said yes. There was som...

Bigfoot Mouse Pad Keep On Squatchin Shirt

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And make sure you are pointing the wrong way, suddenly swing the view round to a spot where there is a shadow; a Bigfoot Mouse Pad Keep On Squatchin Shirt dark gap in the vegetation and zoom in full and hold that for a time making everyone sick with the swaying motion that inevitably comes with this kind of shots. Then say “I’m not saying it’s Bigfoot, but…….!” I wonder if there is any financial incentive to the producers and actors if any show does well on Netflix. Edit: They already sold it to Netflix, even if a show is phenomenally popular, they have nothing to gain out of it (Unless there is scope for a sequel or new season) The potential of a Bigfoot Mouse Pad Keep On Squatchin Shirt second season is huge.  Even a second season that doesn’t match up to the first will get a decent audience. This gives the show’s producers a lot of negotiating power. If I actually caught Bigfoot… My first thought instead would be to google the biology/zoology department at the closest major univ...

Baby Yoda Star Wars Get In Loser We’re Getting Chicky Nuggies Shirt

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Lolol, Not on purpose! I forgot what it was really like, I was just thinking, “Yea, Gremlins is cool, let’s watch that.” I was raised on horror, the only movie that really scared me was the Bisquick stair scene in Freddy pt 1, everything else was a Baby Yoda Star Wars Get In Loser We’re Getting Chicky Nuggies Shirt-ok! (I know that’s like the dumbest scene too, but, man, I could not, did not want to walk on our carpeted stairs for days… luckily for me, it was only four stairs that I could jump up and down for.. you know before Freddy got me!!) Update: Nephew it 10 now, he’s fine. The only thing he remembers is “the green guys”. Additionally, let them have some fun. You never know what kind of terrible day the OP is having and for all, you know all the attention saved them from killing themselves. It’s a dramatic example, but it’s happened. Best to not be dicks about it. Talk trash but in a Baby Yoda Star Wars Get In Loser We’re Getting Chicky Nuggies Shirt fun way; not just “fuck all t...

Person Woman Man Camera Tv – Donald Trump’s Crazy Cognitive Test Word Association Shirt

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There’s a huge difference in the type of attention a dog gets from a human vs another dog. My pup has always been high energy, also 2 years old and we also just adopted a 10-month-old puppy. While my older pup was starting to chill out a Person Woman Man Camera Tv – Donald Trump’s Crazy Cognitive Test Word Association Shirt bit, getting a younger dog just keeps him on his feet in ways we can never do. They wrestle more, and the pup can chase him faster and more satisfyingly than we were ever able to provide lol. We’re just not fast and agile enough and my dog LIVES for chase and dog wrestling. He seemed like he was finally accepting his life was getting boring because COVID took away his doggie daycare and dog park dates when this puppy shows up and wears him out like nothing before. It’s cute and I’m happy to provide my pups with both lots of human love and also the ability to have a Person Woman Man Camera Tv – Donald Trump’s Crazy Cognitive Test Word Association Shirt doggie buddy. ...

Person Woman Man Camera TV Trump Cognitive Test Shirt

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Hey, you may not have considered this, but you should know that company is keeping a recording of all video and audio that it can collect from your camera. The audio is the scary part because just one of those cameras in your house is capable of Person Woman Man Camera TV Trump Cognitive Test Shirt hearing EVERYTHING you say or do inside your house. The sensors are extremely sensitive and with the right software tools is able to analyze all kinds of crazy things about you. They record all of this forever and openly share it with any government agency that asks. FYI. Speaking as someone with a Person Woman Man Camera TV Trump Cognitive Test Shirt dog with separation anxiety- there are so many different reasons dogs get it that not everyone can simply work it away. My dog didn’t have separation anxiety between the ages of 8 weeks and 9 years and didn’t give two shits about getting attention from us, but since she’s gotten older she can’t stand to be five feet away. Our other dog lived fo...

Person Woman Man Camera Tv Trump Funny Joe 2020 Shirt

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I know I can’t have a dog now because my life won’t allow it a proper home. But my goal for when the time comes? Get a younger dog from a shelter, and old boy, someone a young family may not want because they have low energy. I don’t want a creature that is endlessly forgiving and loving of our dumb species to spend their last days in a Person Woman Man Camera Tv Trump Funny Joe 2020 Shirt shelter, but in a home with a family. We have always crate trained our dogs. I realize it feels like torture, but it’s for the best when you’re away. Their crates are their little houses they go to at night and feel safe in now. My oldest dog does this whenever he’s coming out of anesthesia. When he went to get neutered they told us he would be there overnight when we dropped him off at 8. At like 4 they called and asked us to come to get him because apparently he was causing such a Person Woman Man Camera Tv Trump Funny Joe 2020 Shirt ruckus. Every dental and his two surgeries, they always say he’ll...

Person Woman Man Camera TV Shirt

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My dog takes one flip flop or one boot. It’s quite funny and odd. When I first had him he would chew one flip flop so it would always break at the worst time when I was out somewhere! He doesn’t chew anymore just carries one to his bed when I am out for the day! I bought a Wyze camera to find out what my dog was doing when I was at work right after I stopped crating him. I checked it the Person Woman Man Camera TV Shirt first day and saw him sit on my side of the couch and stare at the back door for 8 hours. Needless to say, we go for runs every day after work, and to the lake, if it’s too hot. This made me pull one of Person Woman Man Camera TV Shirt my dogs into my lap and genuinely think about the day that I will have to say goodbye. You know when you think about things that you know will happen, it’s almost like you can see the future for just a second. You can picture it and feel it all too well. So well in that second that you shove it back down immediately so you don’t cry. Geez...

Person Woman Man Camera TV Impeach Anti 45 Shirt

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A lot of women don’t wash the nice bras every time they wear them. It wears them out faster to do so, and no one likes hand washing laundry so another reason to procrastinate. Sports bras you can generally just throw in the washer like everything else. Soo ladies version of smelly shoes. One of the most mortifying moments of Person Woman Man Camera TV Impeach Anti 45 Shirt my life was when the 14yo son of the family I was pet/house sitting for (who wanted to stay home) came to the bedroom I was staying in and told me in the smallest voice that their dog had ‘something of mine in the basement.’ Did she steal a sock and parade around with it? No. Did she have one of my shirts again? No. Did she have the decency to have stolen a pair of boyshorts? Ofc not. She was snuffing and running around with the Person Woman Man Camera TV Impeach Anti 45 Shirt laciest thong I had. He plucked all the chocolate out of Whitman’s sampler and spit out the Jordan almonds. He ate a lightbulb. Bras, shoes, u...

Person Woman Man Camera TV Classic 2020 Shirt

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You know that sound as a dog owner that immediately wakes you up at 3 am. The one where you know for a Person Woman Man Camera TV Classic 2020 Shirt fact the doggo is about to empty the contents of its stomach into the floor. Well, this time my 6-month-old golden hound threw up and entire thong. I’ve never been happier to see my wife’s underwear covered in vomit. Could’ve been an expensive vet bill. The number of times my heeler has pooped out tampons and everything else because he’s an asshole(lovable one) and way too smart and figures out a way into every trash receptacle we’ve brought home is crazy. I work as a vet tech and yes this can add up to a pretty hefty bill. (We also take quite a few used tampons out of Person Woman Man Camera TV Classic 2020 Shirt dogs stomachs) One time we had to do surgery on a dog and took out ladies’ underwear. (We always wash off and keep what we find to show the owner if they want to see what came out) The wife was horrified because they weren’t her ...

Person Woman Man Camera Tv Shirt

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Nah you can tell by the weapons they use. South Africa uses AK’s and handguns from the carjacking videos I’ve seen. They’re also a youtube channel where they track down stolen/jacked cars and get them back. The company that gets the cars back drives around with like 3-5 pack cars and jump out with their own guns after they surround the car. I was robbed at gunpoint and watched my friend kill one of the robbers. That was bad enough, the 2 years-long trials of the Person Woman Man Camera Tv Shirt another robber along with fearing retaliation if I testify, as well as directly being threatened by the govt if I didn’t testify was terrible. No sleep. Terrible. Its a YIELD sign, he’s supposed to yield to the white car, the white car isn’t supposed to stop. Probably did not have time to turn in front of him until the robbers stopped and let him in which he wouldn’t be expecting because it’s not supposed to happen. I have a Person Woman Man Camera Tv Shirt neighbor from Venezuela. She was takin...

Hidin’ From Biden 2020 Vote Shirt

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That’s an interesting observation that I’ve heard even from some Irish people I’ve encountered. Often the Americans who want to visit “the old country” are generally more conservative, traditionalist, sectarian, and religious, yearning for a culture that even the Hidin’ From Biden 2020 Vote Shirt modern Irish don’t want anymore. While at the castle, his brother picks up a brochure on Lachlan & it stated that “McLaughlins” are Irish, not Scottish. All of the planning & the small fortune spent on visiting the “Homeland” & he couldn’t do basic research on the history of the name McLaughlin? just want to make it crystal clear what I said isn’t in any way a form of hatred or anything to Americans, it’s just this virus spreads like wildfire and the sooner it’s under control the better for everyone then we can all get back to some kind of normalcy. Does the name really carry that much weight when it comes to a Hidin’ From Biden 2020 Vote Shirt foreigner proving Irishness? I’m just...

Blood Inside Me Analog Device Covid-19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt

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My friends are working on a project there and just finished the 14-day quarantine. They said it was surreal. A real lock down the situation and with only a few days they would take them to roof to see the Blood Inside Me Analog Device Covid-19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Shirt city skyline. But the remained in good humor about it because they were excited about starting their project. We delivered some “essential stuff” they needed, but the beers didn’t get past security. The pineapple lumps definitely made it past security. The chance that I’m a carrier is close to 0% because I barely interact with anybody and take precautions when I leave the house. We are doing the 14-day quarantine here in Canada but unfortunately, because of agreements, there is an exemption for US nationals that are traveling through Canada to reach Alaska. Those people are supposed to drive straight to Alaska with minimal interactions but a ton of Blood Inside Me Analog Device Covid-19 2020 I Can’t Stay At Home Sh...