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I mean… you heard her mom just died… and her whole family is there at that hotel… Surely you can excuse this sad old racist, she didn’t mean it… Notice how the daughter was completely unfazed when he told her what her mom said, but outraged that that meant her mom was gonna have to spend the You Call Them Swear Words I Call Them Sentence Enhancers Shirt night elsewhere. Good on that dude for remaining calm, but firm. He did the right thing and didn’t let emotion get to him at the moment. This is purely anecdotal, but I’ve often found that men who are willing to speak that way to women who are total strangers are often worse at home.
Former Security Manager for a You Call Them Swear Words I Call Them Sentence Enhancers Shirt large hotel/resort here. Had a guest tell three of the entertainment employees (who were all 19/20-year-old girls) “no one wants to see you fat black cows up there dancing” after a performance designed for kids. This guy stayed so professional, at this point I’d have been all “well unfortunately we can’t reverse time or remove your ignorant racism so?!? Get the fuck next door before I tell them to blacklist you too!”  Like cool, you’re a father, but how does that really matter if you’ll call any woman a bitch if she isn’t directly related to you?

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