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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2020

Where Was All Lives Matter From 1916 1968 Shirt

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I’m young, no kids, and have a blast. Plus it’s a good excuse to get out camping every month. I have definitely known as the scoutmaster who will happily help you with something, but who doesn’t suffer stupid questions.  Every crossover group is a patrol. And they keep their patrol the whole time. So there is absolutely no institutional knowledge coming down from the older scouts, it drives me nuts having a Where Was All Lives Matter From 1916 1968 Shirt PLC that’s mostly made up of kids younger than 14. Like… that 11-year old that joined the troop two months ago does not have anything worth contributing to the leadership of the troop. Blech. But the scoutmaster keeps saying if I want his job he doesn’t mind, which I don’t have time for, so… My troop was also primarily scout-led. The Senior Patrol Leader ran the meetings and worked with the scouts to determine what they wanted to work on. The assistant scoutmasters were basically there to facilitate working on merit badges, and bet...

The Armed Forces The Few The Proud Fire Eagle Earth Flag Shirt

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In the adult world, I’ve seen no shortage of poorly implemented diversity training programs and hypocritical diversity advocates though.  I’m an Eagle Scout. I think it’s a The Armed Forces The Few The Proud Fire Eagle Earth Flag Shirt good thing in concept. We should be an example for other Scouts and the community in general. Glad Scouts can help with that. Life for life (I know, I know) here. I spent six years on summer camp staff and the last ten as an adult leader and committee member for a unit that is part of a Scoutreach district in our council that focuses mainly on underserved neighborhoods. Many of the units are led not by parents (because many works or are single parents, etc.) as you mentioned, but by paid council staff. Also an Eagle Scout, and I agree. I knew from the time I joined Cub Scouts that I wanted to make Eagle. A lot of people, a few of The Armed Forces The Few The Proud Fire Eagle Earth Flag Shirt my closest friends included, joined because they wanted to ...

Tennis Calling I Must Go Shirt

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So they had to tie up every other season good enough that people could live with that potentially being the end, not leaving much room for overarching stories through the series. A lot of people didn’t like Korra and said she was the worst avatar. But what they fail to realize is that her story exists in a world that’s moving fast. So much faster than Aang’s world. And because of that, she didn’t have all the time to adapt to a Tennis Calling I Must Go Shirt situation like Aang or any of the previous avatars did. For being able to keep up with how things changed around her as well as she did, I’d say she was a pretty decent avatar. Gravity Falls.  Honorable mention would go to Phineas and Ferb. By the time Korra goes to learn her hardest element (air), she is still childish after having blown through the other elements easily, and her only motivation for having to learn air bending seems to be something like getting the credit she needs for her diploma. She wants to brush it off an...

Teachers And Coffee An Unbreakable Bond Shirt

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I worked at a shitty Dairy Queen in high school. Stable people react appropriately when something is wrong with their order. The people who act like this normally didn’t get napkins in the bag or the milkshake is too thick to easily suck through the straw.  Yup, I totally think you’re right in this. I’ve worked in a grocery store when I was younger and the asshole customers were assholes from the Teachers And Coffee An Unbreakable Bond Shirt moment they walked through the doors. Usually coming from work where I presume they’ve had a shit day. Through all the abuse I always tried to keep my calm by thinking that I actually feel sad for them; having so little going on in their lives that they choose to expend all that energy on a minor inconvenience and talking down to someone they know nothing about. This customer notoriously a pain in the ass, everyone who has talked to him has a bad experience. So my manager had to call the customer back and tell him that no one wanted to work wit...

Sunflower Heart American Flag Independence Day Shirt

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It’s so weird to me that so many adult themes like this fly under the radar in kids’ movies so often. Like when they used Bad Romance by Lady Gag in the chipmunk’s movie or in Road To Eldorado when there is a scene clearly implying that one of the Sunflower Heart American Flag Independence Day Shirt main dudes and the princess were fooling around.  And it. was. everywhere. Oh, you think I mean the American radio edit, which is basically an entirely different song? Noo no no, this would be the original, with Michael and his dick-bigger-than-a-tower, playing FULL BLAST in any random coffee shop or restaurant (bizarrely on the same playlist as Mariah Carey ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ and classic Backstreet Boys). They added a tribute to Donald Glover in the form of a cameo on Uncle Aaron’s TV, using a clip from the community with Glover in a Spider-Man T-Shirt While the jokes are fun I think it’s also a bit deeper in the sense that he really does not represent the Sunflower Hear...

Im A Mom Classy Bougie Ratchet My Kids Are Got Me Acting Stupid Whats Happening Im A Mom Sun Flo Shirt

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Father’s Day is a time to appreciate the dads that were there for their kids, so why should we take away from that by making this day about moms too? Mother’s Day is the day that’s meant for that. If the roles were reversed and we were doing this for single dads on Mother’s Day, people would freak out. My friend’s baby daddy is no longer in the Im A Mom Classy Bougie Ratchet My Kids Are Got Me Acting Stupid Whats Happening Im A Mom Sun Flo Shirt picture, but she still has her son celebrate Father’s Day because it’s important that he learns what a good father is. They go to Boy Scout breakfasts, father-child community service projects, or grandpas houses. Father’s Day for single parents doesn’t have to be about lamenting the loss of a parenting partner. It can be about showing your kids what a father should be like. I’m friends with a gay male couple who have an adopted child, and they got cards and people wishing them a happy Mother’s Day. So fucking what? All I care about on mother’s ...

Reading Is Dreaming With Your Eyes Open Book Glasses Shirt

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I was in my bed on Reddit one day and my dog was laying at the bottom of the bed sleeping. He started kind of yipping and kicking his legs and then he woke up and started barking. His eyes glazed over and he started growling and he barked at me 3 times and then slowly walked up to me and sniffed me and then his tail started wagging and he acted like he hadn’t seen me in a week.  When she finally came to, the sad look of Reading Is Dreaming With Your Eyes Open Book Glasses Shirt relief on her little face to see me broke my heart. She looked exactly like the feeling you get when you wake up from a bad dream and thank god, it was just a bad dream. There are different stages of Reading Is Dreaming With Your Eyes Open Book Glasses Shirt sleep, and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is essentially what “deep sleep” is. You’ve probably noticed someone sleeping soundly with their eyes moving left and right randomly under their eyelids.  Motor neurons become hyperpolarized and decrease the negat...

Ready For Summer The Master Ball Shirt

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Don’t be fooled, this is an obvious ad and I don’t know how the post hasn’t been removed yet. Just based on what the guy commented and the video there isn’t anything else to the game and the guy is trying to get a bunch of naive Redditors to buy it before actual reviewers see it and talk about how small/generic the game is for the Ready For Summer The Master Ball Shirt price point they are trying to sell it at. Like IDK what you know about indie game development but this is a basic, bog-standard thing which indie devs do when they’re about to release. They post about it on all the major social media sites to get exposure ’cause there’s no way they’re paying for adverts. This isn’t even a video game thing, tabletop roleplaying creators do it too. Looks like cab step, outer sill, rear arch, lower sliding door, and windscreen surround all need some new metal as a Ready For Summer The Master Ball Shirt minimum from this side. Rust can be like an iceberg, what you see is often just the star...

Sledding Is Calling And I Must Go Shirt

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In GTAV when walking up towards a staircase, try to stop moving in the direction of the staircase without actually stopping any movement. It takes a couple of seconds to course correct you in the new direction because it has already locked you onto the staircase. It’s especially apparent when you’re already on the staircase and it has a Sledding Is Calling And I Must Go Shirt sharp turn before hitting more stairs. If you just push forward it’ll take you up for a few seconds before it drops it, probably expecting you to course correct it yourself in that amount of time. Though I’ve only noticed it when walking, not running or sprinting. There’s also a night and day difference between the old ps3/360 console releases of Max Payne 3 and the PC release which is exponentially smoother to play with much snappier more responsive feeling controls. All the quick times and unbreakable animations, it’s like playing Dragon’s Lair sometimes. I fucking HATE when I push X instead of Y while trying to...

Snoopy Riding A Bicycle Hello Autumn Shirt

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And Danes love to “bully” back. Deep inside Danes know that we actually love the swedes, but screw them and everything they stand for. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are like three brothers. The age distribution is ordered after the population. With Sweden being “the Snoopy Riding A Bicycle Hello Autumn Shirt oldest” and Norway being “the youngest”. Swedes love to make fun of Denmark and are protective of Norway. Danes mostly make fun of Sweden and slightly of Norway. And Norwegians make fun of both Sweden and Denmark equally. Bear in mind, this is my personal experience as a Dane that has lived in Norway and has met many Swedes Sounds actually how I wound interpret it as well and I’m Swedish.  Sweden hates it because it’s uncomfortable but can’t get rid of it because of hard it was to ahold of in the first place. We’re just jealous of their ongoing project of turning their whole population telepathic. By gutting their language of Snoopy Riding A Bicycle Hello Autumn Shirt discernable...

Im A Mix Of Really Sweet And Dont Freaking Mess With Me Shirt

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29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 30 Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance, an Im A Mix Of Really Sweet And Dont Freaking Mess With Me Shirtpriest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘ And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change, a girl sitting on her own in an Im A Mix Of Really Sweet And Dont Freaking Mess With Me Shirt small café...

Funny Fuck This Shit Shirt

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This is a key difference in people with depression. Recent studies have shown evidence that people with depression may have a Funny Fuck This Shit Shirt negative memory bias, meaning they are more likely to focus on when things went wrong rather than when they went right. I’m still not sure how to use that information to help with my depression other than when I am thinking about how things can go wrong I try to recognize those thoughts and if I can switch it to think about how I will feel if they go right. But I do not have that “Oh I felt I felt so well last time I did that, I need to do it again drive” at least not for any good behaviors. You’re absolutely using that information correctly right now! Recognizing a negative behavior and making changes is an awesome first step! Be proud that you’re taking charge of your emotions! Breaking down the Funny Fuck This Shit Shirt massive task into bite sizes helps. Wanna climb that mountain? Just take it one step at a time, focus on the next...

Dont Mistake My Kindness For Weakness Shirt

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. So he asked me to come in for an interview at the place. Went down 2 days later, got the job, spent 7 years at that company, and now going on 28 years in the tech industry – all with a high school diploma and a basic network evening course that first company paid me to take a couple of years after I started with them. I went at 18 and failed miserably. I Don’t Mistake My Kindness For Weakness Shirt had no idea why I was there. Writing that has put the last 13 years since school into perspective and today feels like the beginning of the end of that chapter. This is where I ended up too. Right out of high school I got a job at a machine shop so I could support myself while I went to school. Did years of working there during the day and going to school at night. It got to the point where I was really good at it and I liked going into work more than I did going to school, so I don’t Mistake My Kindness For Weakness Shirt just dropped out and made machining my career. Then everyone starte...

If Im Moody Give Me Foody Pig Coffee Shirt

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The protestors are a vast faceless horde about to murder four random cops in cold blood by crushing them to death with no real sign that said cops have committed any sort of brutality or wrongdoing. To me, the imagery evokes sympathy for the cops, not the protestors – and I fully support the protests. I’d argue that the artist can make the If I’m Moody Give Me Foody Pig Coffee Shirt message stronger by making the cop holding a heavy machine gun, rocket launcher, flame shot, and laser gun, and the protester has nothing but Megazord on their side./s I mean, come on guys, this is an art subreddit and art usually have multiple interpretations by different people. What I mean is that, while it might seem that the right thing is to fight fire with fire, the idea of the If I’m Moody Give Me Foody Pig Coffee Shirt protests is to show people and governments that blacks and other races are not inferior, violent, and uneducated. If you start pillaging and attacking, you fall right into their hand...

Bigger The Fupa Tastier The Chalupa Shirt

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I still think the other example is still important to have for an intuition. Because the way we define if two sets have the same size is if you can pair up their elements exhaustively. So even if one set is a subset of another, as long as there exists some pairing of elements, they are the same size. This just happens to be a useful definition for mathematicians and doesn’t necessarily represent real-world phenomena. As a point of Bigger The Fupa Tastier The Chalupa Shirt nuance: the top comment is especially nice since it would be a bit much to first show injectivity and surjectivity for a simple Reddit comment (and perhaps since it’s simply much easier to do it this way), the commenter showed that this function has an inverse. These pairings go on without end with a Bigger The Fupa Tastier The Chalupa Shirt unambiguous pairing of one element from the first set going to exactly one unique element of the second. An inverse clearly exists, as well, and I’m sure it’s intuitive. For examp...

You Don’t Like Cat Good Luck With Your Life Without A Soul Shirt

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While it IS in the Arctic Circle, and it recording a temperature that high is not a good sign, make sure you don’t assume this is anywhere near the north pole. The actual temperature near the north pole today was still about 32 degrees, which is normal for the You Don’t Like Cat Good Luck With Your Life Without A Soul Shirt summer. What’s not normal is that it goes above freezing earlier and stays there longer than it should be. Part of the reason I commented about it. When people think “Arctic circle,” they generally thing literally just the icy region of the Arctic Ocean that is near to the north pole and effectively a big sheet of ice. They don’t think about all the landmass and towns that fall within the region and typically warm up quite a bit higher than the ice sheet. Here’s the challenge. Everyone reading this will be dead by the time the worst happens. It could get worse by mid-century, but most of the really nasty stuff will start at the end of this century, then really get g...

Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient Phlebotomist Shirt

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The point of the carbon fee is so consumers move away from using fossil fuels and instead start using low-emissions technologies. Because it’s a fee (rather than a tax) it is paying for a service, and that service is the use of Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient Phlebotomist Shirt a product (or products) that have high emissions. While rich individuals may be able to afford to pay the extra money to use fossil fuels, most people would not want to pay for it and this would lead to a shift of where energy comes from.  The UK’s proximity to the ocean and lack of large mountain ranges to trap air/weather makes it difficult.  Northern Russia is much the same in this regard as well. Because there are different types of climate working all over the world. The Continental climate leads to these kinds of Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient Phlebotomist Shirt extremes. The UK doesn’t have a continental climate, it has an Oceanic climate, where air flowing from the ocean has a much greater infl...

Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient LPN Shirt

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Profits come from wealth generated through costs that businesses don’t have to pay.  I hear this idea a lot, that if we could just make the market account for the full cost of the externalities of fossil fuels, then we could solve climate change. what has basically happened here is that you have cherry-picked a Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient LPN Shirt single industry that produces externalities in order to generate profits, and described it as an abnormality in a system that normally does, in fact, account for, and tally the cost of, externalities. I’ve come to believe the pandemic is sort of an analogy for our reaction to climate change. This legislation is currently supported by both democrats and republicans and, as mentioned, the goal of Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient LPN Shirt CCL is to get this enacted before it truly is too late. There are many chapters throughout not just the United States, but the world, and I encourage anyone reading this to join their local chapter or ...

Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient Caregiver Shirt

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That’s not likely to happen. In about 600 million years, the sun’s increasing luminosity will accelerate the weathering of silicate rocks on the earth’s surface, which causes carbon uptake, ironically sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere to the point that photosynthesis becomes impossible. Complex multicellular life is not likely to be around in a billion years. Possibly, personally I think it’ll be hard as hell to terraform any planet. It may well take centuries, if not millennia. We could separate reform, but at that point, we might as well go for O’Neill cylinders around the sun. It starts the creation of a Warm Kindhearted Driven Patient Caregiver Shirt Dyson swarm, which is much more energy-efficient for landing and takeoff (if you don’t have a solar-powered gauss cannon to launch ships out of mars’ orbit) and is pretty well customizable to its community’s needs. Especially considering the kind of technology we’ll likely have by that point. We’ve also stripped out most of the easy...

Settle For Biden 2020 Independence Day Shirt

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Watch him drop out, disappear to Russia, and then claim that he had to leave because of a coup by the Democrats. And now the evil Dems have taken over and all of his “biker friends” and white nationalists should tear down the US because of how everybody except Trump is a liar and a cheat and are taking foreign bribes. And then just tweet demands for violence for the Settle For Biden 2020 Independence Day Shirt rest of his life. I think Trump is going to do everything in his power to make sure he can still fart around at Mar-A-Lago and his NY penthouse because he’s an old white American dude and moving to a cold-ass country where he’ll be constantly surveilled for the rest of his miserable life probably doesn’t sound super appealing. That’s exactly my point. He wasn’t above the Settle For Biden 2020 Independence Day Shirt law then and it didn’t change his behavior literally once in his entire life. Why do we think he’s going to suddenly begin* to take this very conscious approach? It’s ...

Pug Lives Matter Dog Shirt

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Ugh…this brings back an unpleasant memory for me. A few years ago, I handed my 10-year-old niece my 10-week old, 2 lb pup. She was standing and cuddling him on my deck. He squirmed and she opened her arms and let him drop to the Pug Lives Matter Dog Shirt ground. Luckily no real damage but he peed himself and after we consoled him, he went to his crate and wouldn’t come out until they left. The blame lies with me not the 10-year-old but I really, really, wanted to ask her “Why the fuck did you just let him go?” Oh man, I had something similar happen. My dogs are long-haired chihuahuas, four years old I believe, but they’re very small. Well, my niece who’s 6-7 asked to hold one and my mom or dad said she could. Well, she was not holding the dog properly and began to play with her as if she were a misbehaving baby doll. And thankfully I was there to stop her because she was about to shove the dog into the dryer machine. Guess she thought she was actually in trouble. I would be inclined t...

Pug Dog We Are Their Voice Shirt

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This is what emergency lights are for. Terrible story nonetheless, but flash those lights if you ever find yourself in a Pug Dog We Are Their Voice Shirt spot like that. I have a personal anecdote similar to that story but didn’t find any trouble blocking my path having my lights on as I drove well past the limit. It will increase the chances of you getting by smoothly, but there will always be people like that who take it upon themselves to dish out “justice” for their own perverse sense of self. Lord, one time I was roller skating and stopped at a red light. Chatted with the crossing guard. There was a car stopped in the crossing grid, because they’re an idiot, and when it was my turn I crossed behind them. I saw a lady driving like a complete asshole one day. She was cutting in and out of traffic, hazard lights on, then off, then on again. I drive a lot for work so I try to never let idiot drivers get on my nerves or in my head. I usually pull into the Pug Dog We Are Their Voice Shi...

Ndependence Day Black Lives Matter Shirt

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They proceed to say they had 40 dollars sitting on the counter in the kitchen that I must have stolen. Born and raised in Spokane. Hate that place with a passion. I’ve been there 3 times in the past ten years as I live 3 hours east. The first time, my car got broken into in broad daylight, second, my train stopped there and I stood right outside the front door of the Ndependence Day Black Lives Matter Shirt depot just to get some fresh air, cops all outside the depot with a guy on the ground, no idea what happened, the third time, at the depot waiting for my friend to pick me up and went out to his car from his house and it was gone. I got a lot more. She prevented us from driving forward by standing in front of the car yelling. Before I knew it our car began to be struck from all sides by 4-5 or even more people. At that very moment, a Ndependence Day Black Lives Matter Shirt guy attempted to open my driver’s side door.  I had my daughter in the back seat recording the incident in...

My Rzr Is Like A Stripper I Just Keep Throwing Money At It Hoping For The Ride Of My Life Shirt

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If you do a lot of these on a given week, it makes sense to get a specialized tool for it. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of money and added clutter in your truck until the one day you need it, and you waste five minutes looking for it – time that you could have spent just whittling it with your knife. The My Rzr Is Like A Stripper I Just Keep Throwing Money At It Hoping For The Ride Of My Life Shirt the same basic principle applies to any specialized tool. Honestly, that’s more than can be asked of most electricians. I’ve seen them do some seriously unsafe shit because they were too lazy to do it right. I’ve seen them uncap and cap hot wires, wire panels while finishers are still working on receptacles, and drag rubber mats around so they don’t have to test if wires are hot. Wire insulation isn’t the bad part. I drilled my hole. When I let go of the trigger the bit spun out of the chuck, landed on the ground, rolled about 8′ to the edge of the building, and off it went. It was about 6:3...

My Dad My Love Softball Shirt

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What most people think of as the original trilogy today is (one of) the many remastered versions that cleaned up a lot of the visual effects. While even the real original does hold up 100 times better than most of its contemporaries, it does look dated. Not the ships themselves – those were all physical models and will always look great – but the composition of the My Dad My Love Softball Shirt scenes.  But even little things about the later special/remastered editions can trick you into thinking the original trilogy holds up better than it really does. In the special edition of ANH, for example, they added CGI dust from the land speeder. ” when in reality, that was the late 1990s .Unpopular Opinion: I think many fans lose their perspective on the SE vs originals debate, and that most of the outrage over the changes is firmly rooted in nostalgia. Nearly all the changes made to the OT either improve the My Dad My Love Softball Shirt viewing experience to someone not already familiar...

Jobu’s Rum Is Very Bad To Steal Shirt

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He procrastinated wildly when asked to make difficult decisions, and would often end up relying on gut feeling, leaving even close allies in the dark about his plans. His “unreliability had those who worked with him pulling out their hair,” as his confidant Ernst Hanfstaengl later wrote in his memoir Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus. He was deeply insecure about his own lack of Jobu’s Rum Is Very Bad To Steal Shirt knowledge, preferring to either ignore information that contradicted his preconceptions or to lash out at the expertise of others. He hated being laughed at but enjoyed it when other people were the butt of the joke (he would perform mocking impressions of people he disliked). There’s a bit of an argument among historians about whether this was a deliberate ploy on Hitler’s part to get his own way, or whether he was just really, really bad at being in charge of stuff. Dietrich himself came down on the Jobu’s Rum Is Very Bad To Steal Shirt side of it being a cunning tactic to...

I Never Get Jealous When I See My Ex Shirt

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You’re sitting alone or playing cards with someone, and there is the “normal background noise” of too many people all speaking quietly. An I Never Get Jealous When I See My Ex Shirt constant drone you learn to ignore. Suddenly there’s yelling. It breaks up the normalcy and the first time it happens, it’s jarring. You stop, look around. Deer in headlights. Then suddenly everything is chaos and fear. This turns people into cattle, easier to the herd. This is not a good thing to be teaching people. When people in positions of authority make you feel less than human, you eventually may begin to see yourself as less than human. Those that feel out of touch with their humanity are capable of things humans don’t do. Things that morals keep them from thinking. I hadn’t thought of it, but I realized then that no, to myself, in my own mind, I wasn’t a real person. Anyone with a job title held authority. Anyone in plainclothes had a life. We had neither of those things. We were not “real people.”...

I Am Feminist Woman Educated Magic Intelligent Shirt

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They manufacture stories of Antifa rioters coming to burn down the town like Sherman in Atlanta. Then they show up and intimidate and attack teenagers and college kids holding signs asking for justice and accountability. Then they ride off posting on Facebook how they’re the I Am Feminist Woman Educated Magic Intelligent Shirt heroes that saved the town from terrorists and commies. I’m in N TX. Reduced work hours mean a 4 day weekend starting now. Seriously thinking about driving to Bethel in the morning. I haven’t been this mad about a video since…yesterday. But I really really want to go support that girl. And I’m hoping to have a few minutes alone with that fuckstick that tore her sign up. Bunch of tough guys needs a reality check. Bethel is about 45 minutes east of Cincinnati, anyone who wants to can start off in or near Cincy. I can easily see a lot of weapon carrying bikers circling the I Am Feminist Woman Educated Magic Intelligent Shirt town and trying to chase people out. Simi...

Giraffe Drink Wine Get On My Level Shirt

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Snuck, is a misnomer. Von Brown designed the V2 rockets that terrorized London among other places, he was immediately forgiven, they changed his name to Brown and ran NASA for a Giraffe Drink Wine Get On My Level Shirt long time, sometimes in all ways except the title. I don’t know what to call it. It’s not a political rally. He didn’t talk about issues, policies, or objectives. It was just him trying to explain the weird behaviors he gets called out on. There was nothing entertaining about it either. I don’t know what show his supporters were watching but it wasn’t the same one I was watching. I am feeling slightly more optimistic though after seeing how sparsely attended that rally was. Especially somewhere like Tulsa where one would expect a huge fanbase to turn out. Hopefully, this is representative of a shift in opinion in those primarily red states. We can’t do another 4 years with him sweet Jesus let’s hope that this country makes the right choice come November. Fuck. It seemed ...

See You In Court Tennis Shirt

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That and literally every season they didn’t know if it would get another season until production was over, except the fourth was of course planned to be the end once they made it there. So they had to tie up every other season good enough that people could live with that potentially being the See You In Court Tennis Shirt end, not leaving much room for overarching stories through the series. Not just time slot juggling- for a stretch they completely removed Korra from their broadcast channel entirely and “aired” it only through their awful website. All with basically no warning and little promotion. I think a few episodes leaked early to pirate sites during this IIRC and after that, it returned to the tv air times. Even with his big gut, without training for a long time, he is still extremely strong. A lot of people didn’t like Korra and said she was the worst avatar. But what they fail to realize is that her story exists in a world that’s moving fast. So much faster than Aang’s world....

Awesome Tuck Frump Shirt

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My issue when watching was that I didn’t know who Sharon Tate was and didn’t know any of the details of the Mansons.  There was a dichotomy. Landa hunted Jews for the sport of it, killed an Awesome Tuck Frump Shirt woman with his bare hands without any remorse, and was a literal Nazi, and he was deceptively friendly. Schultz was an extremely righteous bounty hunter who freed a slave and partnered up with him to save his wife and would rather have literally died than to shake hands with a terribly racist man. They are almost opposites. Yeah, and Landa turned on Hitler as soon as he saw it was advantageous to him, he gave no fucks about finding and killing Jews, he just did whatever would get him ahead. Schultz on the Awesome Tuck Frump Shirt other hand was so loyal to a guy he barely knew that he risked life and limb to help Django find Broomhilda. He felt a responsibility to Django, the first life he ever freed instead of killed, something Landa could never feel. For me it’s one of...

Baby Groot Hug Autism Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt

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I was walking my then 6-month-old in our neighborhood, and some asshole turned the corner onto our side of the street – taking a very wide turn that seemed like he was intentionally coming at us, and I kind of gestured at him to get over. He just ran right at us and laughed when I told him to give people space. I told him to fuck himself and pointed out that I had a fucking baby with me. What the fuck is your problem? I don’t understand why such a minor inconvenience is a Baby Groot Hug Autism Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt big deal. People don’t seem to want to accept a lot of people wear surgical masks or face. Reminds me of Baby Groot Hug Autism Stay Out Of My Bubble Shirt some dickhead that was walking his dog without a leash in my apartment complex. My wife and I were taking our dog and 7-month old for a walk and his dog ran at us.  He told me to fuck off or he would cough on us. I dropped it and we walked off but I won’t stand for that. I’d take it as assault and press charges i...

Camping Flamingos I Am At Home Among The Trees Shirt

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Reading the paper itself, they are suggesting mixing fibers into the concrete or tarmac to achieve a higher elastic modulus. That seems a Camping Flamingos I Am At Home Among The Trees Shirt relatively straightforward thing to do – although they don’t include detailed calculations on that – this paper is just about the approach of stiffening the surface, rather than detailed methods for doing so (i.e. exact fiber loading and so on). Asphalt would still be fairly easy to recycle. It already has to go through high-temperature filters to remove small pieces of aggregate, and a re-distillation process to remove the asphalt molecules which degraded into smaller stuff over time, and the rubber oils which come off people’s tires and dissolve into it. Which US roads? Road quality varies greatly from state to state and also north to south. Some areas put more money into their roads and whether or not a state freezes a Camping Flamingos I Am At Home Among The Trees Shirt lot also affects road qu...

Cat You Would Slap The Stupid Out Of You But There Wouldn_t Be Anything Left Vintage Shirt

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About 36 hours later I hear him screaming. I ate a fuck ton of sleeping meds to stop crying/thinking.  I stood there, picked him up, wet and cold. Scared. I was so mad at him for bolting, he knows better. We slept as we’ve never slept before. A full home and a happy heart and a big old ginger bastard on my chest. We put a Whistle tracker on our indoor/outdoor cat and he definitely has a Cat You Would Slap The Stupid Out Of You But There Wouldn_t Be Anything Left Vintage Shirt a few places in the neighborhood where he spends most of his time. We got the tracking collar mostly for peace of mind but now that I’m living away from family it makes me really happy to see what he’s doing in real-time. It makes me feel a little less far away! I believe this. There are two cats who love my yard and will spend the whole afternoon sleeping out there some days. The other guy popped up yesterday though and just stared at me when I walked outside and interrupted his nap. I’m working on a cat tv s...